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(518) 877-7529

4 Show Special
Buy three shows and get one show for free!
Subscription Price: $75
Processing Fee: $7
Seating or Special Accommodations Request? (optional)
Up to 500 characters.
Which four shows/dates/times would you like to reserve tickets for? Ex: "Red Maple on 9/12 at 8pm"
Up to 500 characters.
Price Options
One-time purchase
Four Show Special
Buy 3 Get 1 Free!
every year until canceled
Show Dates & Times, 2024-2025 Season
Show Dates:
- Red Maple: 9/12 - 9/29/24
- A New Version: 10/24 - 11/10/24
- A Christmas Carol: 12/5 - 12/22/24
- The Garbologists: 2/27- 3/16/25
- Bank Job: 4/3 - 4/19/25
- Things I Know To Be True: 5/8 - 5/25/25
- TBA: 6/12 - 6/29/25
Show Times are as follows:
- Thursdays at 7:30 PM
- Fridays at 8:00 PM
- Saturdays Matiniee at 2:00PM
- Saturdays at 8:00 PM
- Sundays Matinee at 2:00 PM
2024-2025 Saturday Maintee Dates are as follows:
- 9/21
- 11/02
- 12/14
- 12/16
- 3/8
- 4/5
- 4/19
- 5/17
- 6/21
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